Undergraduate Programmes

This degree program is ideal for students that are aiming for a managerial career within industry or commerce, locally or abroad. Students will gain a broad range of business skills, which can also lead to further professional study.

Program Content
In Year 1 of the program, students will develop their business skills and learn more about the business environment. In the second year, the program will focus on subjects such as Financial Decision Making, Marketing Research, Management Process and Function, Human Resource Management, Business and Law. The study program integrates the various disciplines via the Strategic Analysis module. Students undertake a substantial piece of work in their project dissertation which will be a business subject of their choice.


BA Business & Management

Business and Management concentrates on the theories of management and explores and explains how they are used in practice in both the public and private sectors.

Program Content
This newly designed program provides the opportunity to study management theories and review practice of the techniques. This practical program should prove attractive to students and employers for careers in the public, or private sector, in product, or service sectors.


BA International Business Studies

This program is ideal if you are looking to build a career in International business. It focuses on business skills as well as the international business environment.

Program Content
Students will also gain a solid academic foundation on International Business and will have the opportunity to specialize in a particular business discipline in Final Year of this program and can choose to specialize in one of the following areas: Human Resource Management, Accounting and Finance, Operations Management, Marketing or International Marketing.


BA eCommerce Business

In the 21st Century internet changes the way we conduct our business and drastically improves our communication between a business and its customers and suppliers world-wide. ECommerce covers the whole spectrum of use of the Internet for business. The course aims to equip students for this new business environment by providing them with an understanding of business and of the potential for eCommerce, together with the generic skills to support them throughout their subsequent careers.

Program Content
The course covers the principal areas of business, with particular emphasis on Marketing and Operations - the areas most affected by eCommerce. During the First Year, students develop basic business skills, become familiar with the Internet and acquire an appreciation of web-site design. The Second Year covers the main functional areas of Business and introduces web-site programming and system design. The Final Year concentrates on Marketing and Operations, with eCommerce applications and strategy. Students also complete a project related to eCommerce.


BA Marketing

Human Resource Management is an important part of all businesses today and if you are interested in its role, or see personnel management as a career for you, then this program will be ideal for you. It provides a foundation in business studies and the opportunity to specialize, as well as providing an excellent route into further academic study.

Program Content
The Foundation Level and Year 1 provide the base from which you will be able to choose your specialist areas of study in the subsequent years. In Year 2 the areas of study includes Employee Resourcing and Employee Relations as well as Employment Law.

The Final Year sees a continuation of Employment Law and also includes Employee Development and Strategic Human Resource Development. The other exciting modules make this a stimulating program for future Human Resource Executives and Managers.


BA Human Resource Management

Human Resource Management is an important part of all businesses today and if you are interested in its role, or see personnel management as a career for you, then this program will be ideal for you. It provides a foundation in business studies and the opportunity to specialize, as well as providing an excellent route into further academic study.

Program Content
The Foundation Level and Year 1 provide the base from which you will be able to choose your specialist areas of study in the subsequent years. In Year 2 the areas of study includes Employee Resourcing and Employee Relations as well as Employment Law.

The Final Year sees a continuation of Employment Law and also includes Employee Development and Strategic Human Resource Development. The other exciting modules make this a stimulating program for future Human Resource Executives and Managers.


BA Retail Management

The program provides the opportunity to develop specialist business and management abilities, along with a knowledge and understanding of techniques and skills required in retailing. Integrated placements ensure regular workplace experience with on employer (during weekends and vacations).

Program Content
Students will explore the many aspects of retail Management in detail, covering subjects such as Retail Logistics, Introduction to Information Systems, Consumer Buyer Behavior, International Marketing and the completion of a dissertation in the Final Year.


BA Retail Management & Logistics

This Retail Management program provides the opportunity to develop specialist business and management abilities, along with a knowledge and understanding of techniques and skills required in retailing.

Program Content
Students will explore the many aspects of retail Management in detail, covering subjects such as Retail Logistics, Introduction to Information Systems, Consumer Buyer Behavior, and International Marketing. Students are also required to complete a dissertation as their Final Year Project.


BA Advertising & Promotions Management

Advertising and Promotions Management are central to any organization’s marketing strategy. This honors degree Program provides a thorough grounding in the knowledge and skills necessary for the development and evaluation of advertising and promotions campaigns in a wide variety of marketing contexts.

Program Content
The Foundation and Year 1 provides a base in marketing, advertising and promotions, together with the development of key business skills. In Year 2 it builds on further with a number of more specialized modules including Consumer Buyer Behavior, Product Development and Brand Management, Advertising and Contemporary Culture, Media Planning and Buying and Corporate Communications. In Year Three it focuses on the management and evaluation of campaigns and offers the opportunity to choose from a range of electives developing knowledge in specific marketing applications such as retailing, services marketing, international marketing as well as Internet marketing. The dissertation enables students to study and research a topic of particular interest in some depth.


BSc Business Information Technology

Overview & Program Content
Year 1 will provide a base in Computing and Business while the last two years concentrates on Business and Computer Systems and their Management. In the Final Year students will study Business Strategy and the application of Information Technology, both in theory and through practical course work. Students can choose to specialize in Business Information Technology to form the major subject range and will have the option to study Internet Technology or Multimedia as a minor subject.


BSc Internet Technology

The fast growth of the Internet has brought together many technologies and has changed people's working methods and leisure activities. This course has been designed to reflect these changes by offering modules in the areas of networking, programming and multimedia. This course will provide you with the computing skills and knowledge, associated with the application and development of the Internet and related technologies, which are in great demand in the current market place.

Program Content
The First Year provides a basic foundation to computing, covering aspects of network concepts, programming, web page design, and the management of website operations.

The Second Year concentrates on the development of web and network-orientated systems, increases your media development skills and introduces you to web programming with Java. The Final Year looks at the specialist areas of design and management of distributed computer systems and computer security. Other modules allow you to develop your chosen area more fully from the wide range of options available in media, database management, software engineering, and artificial intelligence.


BSc Multimedia Technology

This program has been developed to support the growing need for specialists in multi-media systems, web page design and 3D modeling and animation.

Course Content
The Multi-media Technology program addresses the needs of multi-media and the supporting computing technology. You will explore the underlying technology and dynamic processes of multi-media systems and web page design including audio and video technology, 3D modeling and animation. You will also develop your practical computing and programming skills, exploring a range of programming languages, operating systems and network technologies. Throughout your course you will develop your practical skills through activities such as web page design and the development of multi-media systems.


BSc Psychology

Psychology is the study of the mind and behavior. Studying the subject will give you the knowledge necessary to make a positive contribution to our understanding of life and the challenges which confront us all. At each level of the program you have a range of compulsory and optional modules as you study human behavior. Quantitative methods of research and analysis are important, so you will be expected to demonstrate that you are competent in all aspects of the program.

Program Content
The Program will cover all the main areas of psychology including biological bases, human development, social psychology, cognitive psychology, perception memory and attention and specialist applied areas like criminal, counsel ing, occupational, environmental and health psychology. Students will also study research design, statistical methods and do a variety of practical work in which they can run their own experiments as they progress on the Program.


BSc Sports Psychology

To gain an understanding Sports issues from a psychological perspective is becoming an important growth area within sports coaching and management. Psychology modules will be combined into this Program as well.

Program Content
To gain an understanding Sports issues from a psychological perspective is becoming an important growth area within sports coaching and management. Psychology modules will be combined into this Program as well.


BSc Criminology

An interesting program that takes a student on to explore issues relating to the nature and causes of crime and the workings of the Criminal Justice System. Students will study five main fields, learning about the theory and methods of criminology and gaining an overview of contributory disciplines, as well as focusing on specific topics and developing their research skills.

Program Content
The program draws together elements of law, history, sociology, psychology, philosophy and social policy to help explain and understand what crime is, how it arises and how it is shaped and responded to by the courts, police, prison and community penalties, the mass media and the general public. Options in the program include studies on gender and crime, organized crime, children and crime, interpersonal violence, drugs and crime, mentally disordered offenders, crime and the media. In the final year you can do an extensive piece of research on an area of your preference.


BSc Criminological Psychology

This unique program offers a combination of modules that will give students a thorough grounding in Psychology, and solid understanding of contemporary Criminological theory. Students will also study specialist modules that address issues in Forensic Psychology and Criminological Psychology in the second and third year of their studies.

Program Content
In Year 1, students will be given a grounding in the fundamentals of study in the Human Sciences. In the second year, students will study Social, Cognitive and Biological Psychology, research methods, modules in Criminological theory and Criminological Psychology. In Year 3, a significant part is the dissertation which allows students the opportunity to carry out their own piece of research into an area of their own choice. In the past students have carried out research into a great range of issues including, for example, studying the work of local Youth Offending Teams, Police, Prison Services and schools. In addition, students will study issues in forensic and legal Psychology, Mental disorder as well as a choice of modules in Criminology and Psychology.


BSc Sociology

The study of sociology as a discipline is concerned with the social relations that connect individuals, groups and institutions. It provides a unique perspective on the social influences that shape us and it enriches our personal understanding of our lives. The programs are designed to bring students up to date with the issues and debates which are the current concerns of Sociologists. This may include examining 'who we think we are' as individuals as well as the broad institutions that govern our lives. The program aims to provide students with a sound foundation in the theories and methods of the discipline and the opportunity to study a range of specialisms that reflect the breadth of Sociology.

Program Content
Students will explore areas including the changing relations between men and women, social problems such a racism, crime and homelessness and patterns of belonging such as ethnic groups and youth sub-cultures. There are opportunities to examine some of the issues that have dominated social and political development in recent times such as industrialization, nationalism and globalization.

Students will also acquire the skills necessary to carry out sociological research and in the third year students will do an in-depth project on a topic of their own preference.


BSc Media, Society and Culture

This program gives students the opportunity to understand the role of the media and other cultural and social institutions in shaping our lives. Students will analyze the development of mass media and the organization of media institutions. You will explore the idea of 'media effects' and the meaning and form of 'entertainment' in modern societies. Students also explore the nature of modern identities and social relations such as gender, race and sexuality and the ways in which these are changing. In the course, students engage with a range of cultural and social theories that can be applied to the analysis of the media and society in general.

Program Content
Students will study sociological and media theory and gain an understanding of the ways in which you can go about researching both social and media relations. There are specific modules on young people, gender and sexuality and social change in contemporary societies. Students will be given the opportunity to study areas of the media such as popular music culture, news making and television.


BSc Human Sciences

This program is designed to give students a critical understanding of the theories, methods and applications of psychology, sociology and social policy, this course will give students a broad insight into human social behavior and the society we live in. Students will gain grounding in all three subjects and build on this, exploring the social dimension of human experience at all levels, from government policy to social cognition ideology and personal development.

Program Content
Students will study philosophical, sociological and psychological aspects of society, culture and social behavior and will be able to select subjects of their own choice to complement the compulsory subjects. In the final year students will research their own project.


BA Business Law

Overview & Program Content
Business Law is an honors degree Program and is intended for those who are interested in the application of law in a business context. It is suitable for those who seek a career in company, government and local authority legal departments as well as in areas such as financial regulation compliance. It is designed specifically from the point of view of the business users of the law and modules are developed around business themes and issues.


BA Outdoor Education & Adventure Recreation

The provision of outdoor education and adventure recreation takes diverse forms and requires a variety of knowledge, awareness and skills. This exciting and progressive course enables you to develop the key thinking and skills appropriate for working in the outdoor industry, and are strengthened further through its emphasis on social and cultural perspectives.

Program Content
This Program bridges the gap between a recreational and educational approach to the outdoor adventure. The course examines the technical, theoretical and critical concepts of outdoor education and adventure recreation.


BA Sports Industry Management

This unique program attempts to provide student with opportunities to develop a comprehensive understanding of the management principles underlying both specific and general sports disciplines. Theory is extended to practice in the contexts of exercise, coaching, performance and sport.

Program Content
Participants following these specialisms concentrate on both the sports science and sports management principles underlying sports performance, sports management and sports participation. Principles from psychology, biomechanics, information technology, sociology, and sports management are applied to the unique requirements of each specific sport, or in the case of Sports Industry Management generally Areas generally examined on the program include physiology of exercise, stadium management, health and safety at sporting venues and sociological issues within sport.


BA Tourism and Travel Management

Tourism is one of the world's mot important industries, supporting employment on a large scale in many parts of the world. International tourism is responsible for the movement of many millions of people each year, traveling for a variety of reasons, including holidays, business and education The Tourism and Travel Management program are designed to meet specific requirements of tourism employers by preparing students for administrative and ultimately management roles in the travel and tourism industry.

Program Content
The program aims to give students a comprehensive grounding in the management knowledge and skills necessary for those aspiring to a management career in the industry.

Students may choose form an extensive range of Option modules, which enable them to tailor the program to reflect their individual interests and career aspirations.


BA Conference, Event & Hospitality Management

Conference, event and hospitality management are sectors which are experiencing rapid growth in the 21st century. These sectors demand a good balance of high quality staff with appropriate skills and qualifications. Conference, event and hospitality employers demand high levels of service and those working in the industries need expertise and dedication.

Program Content
This new degree combines the practical and theoretical elements and provide an excellent grounding for students wishing to gain the skills, knowledge and understanding to work in the expanding and challenging hospitality industry. In the program are modules essential to the each specific sector of the industry, as well as those providing the understanding of business and management practices and principles.