Why Study For An MBA?

The Caledonia Management School MBA :

  • will enable and enhance you in your personal and professional development as a strategic manager.

  • provides solid foundation in core management study areas preparing you for senior management positions in current or new organizations.

  • places great emphasis on leadership communication and teamwork, cross functional and cultural skills as well as ethics and corporate reputation.

  • will help you understand the implications of increasing globalization and the internationalization of business management.

  • offers a challenging and mind stimulating learning experience that will change how you think and act.
After completing the Caledonia MBA Program you would have acquired the knowledge and skills to:

  1. Analyze complex business and management related challenges and issues as well as to synthesize knowledge from a broad range of business and management disciplines.

  2. Critically evaluate modern business management principles and successfully apply it to solve today’s management problems.

  3. Demonstrate new leadership skills, vital cross cultural, personal and inter-personal skills in your day to day management of your corporation.

  4. Implement business solutions at all levels in your organization both domestically and internationally.

  5. Confidently analyze and interpret a broad range of business data

  6. Strategically pin-point problem definitions and identify the scope of it.

Why the Caledonia MBA?

The Caledonia MBA is a Global MBA and conducted internationally in our partner institutions' approved worldwide campuses. When you enrol into the Caledonia MBA Program you can be assured that you are in a high quality Postgraduate Program that meets the rigorous and comprehensive standards found in the European Union.

How is our MBA conducted?

Caledonia MBA is conducted by distance learning or through a combination of lectures and interactive workshops in our approved worldwide campuses. Participants also acquire essential knowledge through case studies, group exercises and presentations. We encourage study groups to be formed to foster mutual support and motivation as well as to provide an avenue to develop leadership and teamwork skills.

The MBA program is assessed 100% by assignments, case studies, and an eventual project paper.

Caledonia MBA is further supported by a learning system that provides students with a course tutor assigned to each MBA student. Postgraduate textbooks are also easily available.