Postgraduate Programs at Caledonia Management School

Why pursue a Postgraduate Qualification?

Postgraduate Qualifications are normally pursued to:

  • gain new knowledge
  • specialize in a particular field of study
  • share new knowledge gained to society
  • help enhance career advancement opportunities at top management level

At Caledonia Management School, we offer both Masters and Doctoral research degrees in a wide range of specialist disciplines to meet your lifelong academic ambition.

Caledonia Management, an established institution with a collective history of over 20 years in management training and education and will certainly meet your expectations when you enroll into our MBA and DBA programs. Our experience, expertise and track record will ensure that we deliver what we promise.

Join our MBA, DBA and PhD programs that are designed for business professionals and senior managers and find out how changing management theory and practice can launch you into a stimulating and challenging course of study. Your enhanced general management capabilities will ensure that you become a successful inspirational senior manager highly regarded and often much sought after by Multi-National Companies internationally.

Busy business professionals and senior managers are finding out today that an innovative executive MBA and a Doctoral qualification can provide them the leading edge that is much needed to meet the 21st century business world demands.

We want to assure you that your management outlook will totally take a new dimension upon you successfully completing the Post Graduate with us.