Doctor of Business Administration (DBA)

Caledonia’s DBA is a new generation of postgraduate qualification that is increasingly sought after in the European Union. The DBA is built on Caledonia Management School’s years of success on the MBA Postgraduate Program.

At Caledonia University, we advocate for life long learning and the DBA and PhD Programs caps the ultimate academic achievement for all MBA graduates. The DBA Program is a natural progression for Master’s graduates as such it is no surprise to us at the Management School to see this healthy progression from all of our MBA graduates.

Caledonia DBA Program is designed to contribute to the academic and personal developmental growth of participants by giving them a platform to progress beyond their prior skills and new knowledge acquired in the MBA Program. All DBA participants are expected to be self-actualizing individuals seeking to improve their already considerable academic personal and professional achievements.

Caledonia Management School DBA Aims and Objectives:

  • to develop DBA participants knowledge as well as proficiency in methodological research and analytical skills

  • to enable participants to arrive at their highest academic achievement by providing advanced level programs into leading-edge issues in the arena of business and management

  • to encourage investigation into international research of business and management problems

  • to promote and encourage analytical and critical thinking and to be able to deal with complex multi disciplinary areas of modern management in the 21st century

  • to encourage participants to submit high academic work that is relevant to modern vocational issues in business policy

  • to develop participants capabilities in contributing towards leading-edge management topics.

The Caledonia Management School DBA Design

The Caledonia Management School DBA design is zeroed down to the development of advanced conceptual frameworks of skills needed by doctoral candidates within the context of strategic management. As such it encourages a wider and more holistic applied approach against the traditional research based and highly specialized PhD Program.

The key characteristics of the DBA design incorporates a series of rigorous multi disciplinary advanced level workshops and seminars leading to the completion of a dissertation by participants that reflects their original contribution of business theory and its application to business and management issues in the DBA participants respective industry.